HPDF Journey: Completing Twitter Clone

Soumya Ranjan Mohanty
2 min readDec 6, 2017

Originally published at soumya.dev

Hello readers! First of all, a small introduction about myself. I am Soumya Ranjan Mohanty , a software developer.

I took the Introduction to Modern Application Development course which was being jointly offered by IIT Madras and Hasura. I was new to web development and app development. But I grasped all the concepts taught to us in the 8 week course quite easily, thanks to the amazing teaching style of Tanmai Sir along with others, while doing a handful of practical exercises. An NPTEL online exam was held and top 5%(~400) students were selected for the Hasura Product Development Fellowship. And to my joy, I was also selected for the fellowship as I was in top 2%.

We were allotted Front End and Back End Technologies to work on. I got Front End (React) which I had given as my preference. I was quite interested in learning a frontend library which was completely new to me.

I got the first task to create the twitter main timeline page and twitter search results page, using material-ui . At first, it was quite difficult for me to get hold of JSX. But slowly, I understood it by following various tutorials online and researching on my own (StackOverflow and Google are your friends!). Then came the part of using material-ui. I was quite amazed by the material design and became used to the library quite easily thanks to its good documentation.

I was able to complete the task on time and this is the final result.

Final Result

We were then divided into teams of 3 and given projects to complete.

I won the Pub2Hub challenge held during the programme. Finally, I successfully completed my project and was awarded the “Distinguished High Performer” award.

You can contact me in case of any doubts on my twitter, linkedin or telegram. I will try my best to clear your doubts.

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Soumya Ranjan Mohanty

Google MWS Google India Scholar. Fullstack web developer & blogger. Personal site: https://soumya.dev. My dev newsletter 👉 https://tinyletter.com/geekysrm